Thursday, January 21, 2010


So last night I went to see 'A Chorus Line' with my Mom.  Initially I wasn't extremely excited about it, but I heard good things from a couple people at work so my interest was piqued.  The show is billed as "The best musical.  Ever."  Well...

Let me preface the following by saying that I enjoy the theater and musicals in general.  With that said, the above description of the show is some serious false advertising if you ask me.  For real.  You couldn't pay me to sit through it again.  The singing wasn't bad, but the dancing was mostly mediocre and the story line...OH! The story line! Terribly boring.  It was a struggle for me to stay awake - a challenge that proved too much for my Mom who decided to use the time to catch up on a few little cat naps.  I'm sure the elderly woman I was sitting next to (who was flying solo for the evening) was annoyed by my restless fidgeting by the end of the show.  But I couldn't help it!  All I could think about was how uncomfortable I was and how much I wanted the show to end.

Aside from 'Tits and Ass,' the only number in the show I semi-enjoyed was the reprise of 'One' at the end when all the players came out for their last song/dance/opportunity to bow.  I'm just not sure if I enjoyed it because I was entertained by it or simply because I knew it was the last thing I had to sit through before I could remove myself from the uncomfortable seat, get in my car, and go home.  In the words of my mother as we were exiting the venue, "THAT was a disappointment!"  I agree.

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