Monday, November 8, 2010

Random little thoughts

What's the deal with adult braces?  I've been seeing an unprecedented number of them lately.  Unless some weird dental issue crops up unexpectedly later in life, if you've lived with crooked teeth trying to escape each other your entire life, why fix it when you get older?  Yes, I know that braces are expensive so perhaps your parents couldn't afford I see that...but still!  If you're going to go the adult braces route, at least invest in Invisalign so the rest of us don't notice.  (Wow, don't I sound like the mouth police?  But really...I've always been a bit of a snob when it comes to teeth.  Whenever I go out with a new guy, one of the first 3 questions my mother asks is, "How are his teeth?"  Seriously.  And that's before my super Catholic mother even asks if HE'S Catholic.  I think that says a lot!)

I love me some 'Wordsmith Free' for my phone (it's the same thing as 'Words with Friends' if you weren't sure) but I can't stand when it takes my opponents days (literally) to make a word.  I get that we're all busy and we can't spend our days in Scrabble Heaven, but if you're going to play a game, don't take forever to take your turn.  I'm going to lose interest quickly...and I'm going to second guess that magical 58 point word you pulled out of your ass after going for 3-letter gems the entire game.  I can smell a Wordsmith cheater from a mile away!!!

What's with people running barefoot lately...or wearing those weird new toe shoe things?

Personally, unless I'm being chased by a hungry bear, I really don't see the point in running long distances - and certainly not in hideous shoes like that!  Besides, if you're ever being chased by a large, snarling carnivore, you don't need to be the fastest human just need to be faster than your slowest friend!

At any rate, speaking of running/exercise, I must retire since I plan to get up early to pick up 4 dozen donuts on my way to work.  (Evaluations for my classes are next week and I'm not above buttering up my reviewers!)


  1. I never understood the whole barefoot running thing. Sure, if you were built to run without soles and arch support that's cool. Except you weren't built for running, at least not fast. If you were, you'd look like a cheetah, weird bendy-back, swtichback legs and all.

    Further: Why run an uncomfortable run? I mean, seriously. It feels like a Flat Earth revival with those people. THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF PODIATRY SCIENCE? PFFFFT! I HAVE FOOTIES!

    If I dare say so, your mother sounds almost Jewish. I would know, my Catholic Aunt (that's with a U people, not ANT) has been living in south Florida for so long, she may as well be. The transformation is all but complete.

    Running long distances is pretty cool though, it's like unlocking some sort of power in yourself, even though every sodding second of it you feel like dying or strangling someone.

    As for Phone-Scrabble. I used to play Words with Friends a lot with Matt, et. al. -- I now own a Scrabble board and a dictionary. Scrabble is a hell of a drug.

    Man, today Damon (the library version) made pumpkin bread and tomorrow will invariably be doughnut day. Sometimes it's quite hard to work there...


  2. Ha! That started my day with a laugh. Thanks! And FOOTIES!!! (For the record, I'm glad I don't have a weird bendy back)
