Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Dating Frenzy

I guess that when it rains it really does pour.  After tonight, I will have gone on 3 dates with 3 different guys in the past week (with a potential date with a 4th guy next week too).  Considering the dry spell that plagued me for so long, this has been a welcome change.  The up side?  All 4 guys are pretty great so far...though each one brings something a little different to the table.

I've never been one to date multiple people at the same time but this fell in my lap pretty unexpectedly.  My biggest concern is that I'm going to mix up who told me what or, God forbid, call one of them by the wrong name.  Does anyone out there have experience with this?  Any advice???


  1. Notecards are totally the right answer. Make it discreet, like you were just looking down at your hands or something. They'll never know!

    Or date less people at once.

    You know, either-or.

  2. Haha! My favorite part about that comment...

    "You know, either-or." :)

  3. Well, it *is* good you're getting lots of dating in. I mean, you only have on night left with The Rapture coming tomorrow and all.
