Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello, Charlotte!

For one night, and one night only, I'm in Charlotte, NC.  Until today, if you'd asked me what I thought of when I heard someone mention Charlotte, I'd have answered: "layover."  A brief rest between flights at the Charlotte airport was all I knew of the city before now.  But after a few hours here in the city, I have to say that I'm quite impressed.  I flew up this afternoon with a couple co-workers for a conference tomorrow.

After some check-in issues (I'm still waiting to attend a conference where there AREN'T check-in issues) we decided to head to Rock Bottom Brewery for a bite to eat - and more importantly - a couple drinks.  Martinis were on special (that's a weird saying..."on special."  I think it's correct though) for just $5 and though the menu on the website doesn't show it, I had a couple absolutely delicious peach martinis.  Even better than the quality food and drinks was the company.  I seriously do love my co-workers!

After dinner, we decided to spend some time strolling the downtown streets.  I've got to say that downtown Charlotte easily has downtown Jax beat.  There were cute, swanky, and fun little bistros and pubs with outdoor seating up and down the streets, the buildings boast some really great architecture, and what I liked the most - the people of Charlotte were out and about, seemingly enjoying this place they call home.  (Perhaps I simply don't spend enough time in downtown Jax, but for the most part you don't really see people enjoying the city.  Everyone seems to have a destination in mind and that's where they go.  They're not strolling the streets or enjoying an evening chatting with friend on a bench along the tree-lined streets like the Charlotte residents.)

It also looks like the next few days are going to be a lot of fun here with the Food Lion Speed Street event going on downtown.  They were blocking off roads and setting up the stages this evening, and while I don't know any of the acts performing, street festivals are always fun.  Plus there were copious amounts of "beer for sale" signs on a majority of the booths.  How can that not be a good time?  Aaaaand, the Oscar Mayer wienermobile was parked on the street...if that doesn't say "awesome" then I don't know what does!  If I didn't have a conference to attend tomorrow, I know exactly where I'd be!

Bottom line: Charlotte is much more than a layover city...I encourage you to check it out if you get the chance!

1 comment:

  1. When I visited there with work, it was rainy and cold. Regardless, I got
    to see some of downtown. Jeff even brought our group to this awesome
    Indian place outside of town.

    Great city. Their downtown is actually active there, something I prefer
    to JAX's post-apocalyptic future motif (after 5pm).

    Pictures (crappy iPhone camera):

    Hopefully the weather holds out better than it did for me. Also, check
    out Charlotte (school) if you haven't already. They've done well for
