Monday, May 10, 2010

Signs of old age already???

So earlier this afternoon I had a brilliant idea for a blog.  Unfortunately (or fortunately - depends on how you look at it) I failed to jot down my idea at the time and have now completely forgotten what it was I was going to write about.  Suffice to say, it would have been the most amazingly awesome blog post you'd ever read throughout all of your lovely little life.  EVER.  I sincerely apologize for allowing old age to creep in and rob me of my thoughts, thereby robbing you of your delightful reading adventure.  (This really doesn't bode well for my future, does it?)  I promise that I will make a quick little note of my ideas the next time they strike so that they can travel from my mind to your eyes and heart where they belong.

Until then, have a lovely evening!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures of my car beating you to and from work *would* be a good idea for a

    You could quite literally talk about whatever you want. All I do is post
    links, pictures and videos I find that I like.

    Something will spark your memory. Just don't think about it and it'll come. That always works for me, usually.
