Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 3 Wrap-up

This is going to be quick because I'm tired & heading to bed soon after a bitter trivia defeat tonight.  I'm pretty sure the winning team was cheating.  Who does that?  Is nothing sacred anymore?!?  There are two games whose names I would never besmirch: trivia and Jeopardy.  How can you feel good about winning when you know you cheated to get there?

Anyway, the point of this post is a WW update so I'll leave the bitterness of my loss behind...for now.  So this week was only a -1.8 pound week.  I guess I should still be happy about that since a loss is a loss, but I was hoping for more.  That puts me at a 13-pound total loss though and I'm definitely happy about that.

I need to start working out though, and that's the part I've been dreading most.  If anyone has any suggestions about how to actually LIKE working out I'm all ears!

Okay, bedtime...g'night!


  1. ‘Working’ out maybe ‘attitude’ (derive from Latin aptitudo-'fitness'). How about “playing”? Playing tennis, playing golf, playing in the park…My favorites; riding my bike, walking the dog, running wild on the beach. By bringing ‘play’ to life the ‘work’ will be done before you know it. Best wishes & good luck.

  2. Hmm...thinking of it as "play" instead of "work?" Given my kid at heart mentality, I really like that idea. Thanks!! Now if would just stop raining enough to make me consider building an ark, I could get on that. :)
